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DRC Message

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The only constant in life is change.  As my tenure as the Region IX DRC spans from July 2020 to June 2023, change is the never-ending constant.  ASHRAE has stepped up to the challenge of these changing times at every level to achieve its mission to serve humanity.  I don’t think any of us realized how much our research and recommendations on ventilation and mitigation of airborne infection would be impacting so many lives to provide a healthy and sustainable built environment for all.  It would have been easy for us to sit back and do less, but we chose to do more.  I thank all our chapter leadership and the countless volunteers to help our communities survive this pandemic.

Region IX is the second largest area in North America.  From Montana to El Paso and Omaha to Idaho, we serve 13 chapters in 15 states.  Our reputation for developing leadership talent is still in full swing.  We have had 3 Society Presidents, 1 vice-president, 1 current director at large, and 2 currently serving on the Epidemic Task Force.  That is only a snippet of our society involvement. 

I’m bolstered by seeing active and engaging chapter operations in our region and hope you will take full advantage of your ASHRAE membership and volunteer at any level.  You get much more out of your ASHRAE involvement than you put in and the relationships you create are priceless. 

Tyler Glesne

Past DRC's - Region III
Predecessor to Region IX

John E Haines, 1956
A. B. Algren, 1957
Fred Janssen, 1958-1962

Past DRC's - Region IX

J. W. Thompson, 1963-1966
B. H. Spurlock, Jr., 1966-1969
R. R. Goodwin, Jr., 1969-1972
Robert D. Pagliasotti, 1972-1975
G. Bryan Drennan, 1975-1978
James L. Mutum, 1978-1981
Richard G. Supple, 1981-1984
Larry Staples, 1984-1987
Larry Jenkins, 1987-1990
Steve Ivesdal, 1990-1993
Bill Koperski, 1993-1996
Ken Clark, 1996-1999
Arden Davis, 1999-2002
Tim Wentz, 2002-2005
David Olson, 2005-2008
Rich Rose, 2008 - 2011
Richard Bowman, 2011 - 2014
Blake Ellis, 2014 - 2017

Trent Hunt, 2017 - 2020

Tyler Glesne, 2020 - Present

Copyright 2024 ASHRAE Region IX. This Website Is Maintained By The Idaho Chapter Of The American Society Of Heating, Refrigerating, And Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE). It Was Last Revised July, 2024.  Website is maintained by Chris Pollow ( It Does Not Present Official Positions Of The Society Nor Reflect Society Policy. AHSRAE Chapters May Not Act For The Society And The Information Presented Here Has Not Had Society Review.

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